We are very happy to announce that also for 2021 Fringe Benefits will be exempt from taxation for goods and services provided to the employee by the company, up to the limit of € 516.46,, instead of € 258.23, as stipulated in art. 51 paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 of the TUIR.

Il crescente interesse per i Fringe Benefits da parte delle aziende è dovuto alla semplicità di erogazione e alla possibilità di beneficiare di vantaggi fiscali, ma anche all’opportunità di incrementare la motivazione e le performance di dipendenti e collaboratori. La praticità dei Fringe Benefits risulta ancora più determinante in situazioni complesse, come quella che stiamo vivendo in questi mesi.

What are Fringe Benefits?

Fringe benefits are elements of remuneration, complementary to the main salary, which can also be used within company welfare plans, consisting in the granting of goods and services by the employer to employees. Unlike main pay, they are a form of remuneration in kind within the meaning of the law.

How can I disburse Fringe Benefits easily and efficiently?

There are a number of options available to companies to deliver fringe benefits, the most popular of which are digital solutions, which save time and costs.

One of the most innovative digital solutions in Amilon’s offering is the Fringe Benefit Card, a digital gift card that can be purchased in just a few clicks.Request a quote.

The Fringe Benefit Card is a practical solution for all companies that do not need to develop a company welfare plan, but wish to benefit from Fringe Benefit tax advantages through a digital voucher.

The Fringe Benefit Card does not require any activation or management costs and is a digital multi-brand voucher, which can be accumulated and spent by the employee in several instalments, enabling them to choose from more than 100 shop chains available in the catalogue. It is up to the employee to choose his or her favourite shopping voucher or fuel voucher according to his or her needs and spending habits.


Need information? Discover our section with frequently asked questions or contact us here to receive a quote.

Would you like to buy Fringe Benefit Cards online? Find it here.